Hello again, book lovers!
We are super excited to have gotten in an abundance of gorgeous herbal healing books. Right now we have a huge selection of books on topics like natural remedies, making your own perfume, aromatherapy, natural skincare and cosmetics, healing with essential oils, and all kinds of approaches to holistic health.
We've got classics like Jeanne Rose's beautiful and pivotal books on herbs and aromatherapy.
You all know we carry used books, but these books are pristine! Many of the books we've recently procured are in brand-new condition, and all are waiting, clean and ready for your perusal.
These books are chock-full of fascinating details to these alternative approaches to health and healing.
Each one is so comprehensive and useful that I could easily dedicate a blog post to each book individually!
Many of these books offered detailed illustrations, along with snippets of history, folkloric wisdom, home remedies, source lists, and personal applications.
As the days get colder and your skin gets drier, wouldn't it be fun to make your own hand cream?
Just glancing through these wonderful books I learned so much!
I learned that almonds and oats heighten memory, and that kale aids resistance to colds.
I learned that marjoram oil relieves an aching heart, and that spearmint increases metabolism.
from St. John's wort....
to smudging...
to promoting general cheer and happiness!
Come by the shop and check out this fascinating section; learn about oils and herbs and the healing properties found in the natural world;
and do your body and soul (and loved ones and homelife) a favor!